Monday, July 1, 2013

34 Illinois X Ray Tech Schools

The year 2013 is half-way over. Remember that New Year's Resolution you made? Something about this year being different? Don't worry if that seems like a distant memory: you're not the only one. However, come this Independence Day, take a stand for your own career independence and find a new life as a radiology technologist!

If you live in Illinois, especially around Chicago, there are *numerous* programs that are looking for bright candidates like yourself. Out of state? No worries - Illinois is an amazing place to live, with vast job opportunities, great schools, and lots of outdoor activities. From boating on Lake Michigan to checking out the sights and sounds of Second City Chicago, there is something for everyone here.

Can't afford school? You're asking the wrong question. You should be asking, can you not afford to start technologist school this year? While financial limitations are a reality, many programs do offer some form of financial aid. As the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports, the average technologist makes over $54,000 per year! And in many cases, technologists in Illinois make quite a bit more. Furthermore, the field as a whole is growing faster than other industries.

After the passage and implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, there will be an expansion of coverage for millions of Americans. These newly covered citizens will raise the demand for healthcare services, which will necessarily lead to a demand for more imaging. More imaging means more jobs for technologists! Why wait for the future when you can prepare for it today?

Without further adieu, here is the list of schools - find yours today!

34 Illinois X-Ray Technologist Schools

Elgin Community College1700 SPARTAN DRELGINIL60123Debra L Letizio(847) 214-7691
Richland Community CollegeONE COLLEGE PARKDECATURIL62521Matthew S Cardinal(217) 875-7211
Southern Ill Univ Carbondale1365 DOUGLAS DR SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY MC6615CARBONDALEIL62901Michael L Grey(618) 453-7203
Danville Area Comm College2000 E MAIN STDANVILLEIL61832Alberto Bello Jr(217) 443-8552
Joliet Junior College1215 HOUBOLT RDJOLIETIL60431Robert D Verkler Jr(815) 280-2244
Northwestern Memorial Hospital541 N FAIRBANKS CT STE 950CHICAGOIL60611Thomas G Sandridge(312) 926-8046
Rend Lake College468 N KEN GRAY PKWYINAIL62846Kimberly L Robert(618) 437-5321
Blessing HospitalPO BOX 7005QUINCYIL62305Amanda J Feeney(217) 223-8400
Carl Sandburg College2400 TOM L WILSON BLVDGALESBURGIL61401Lauri White(309) 341-5461
College Of Du Page425 FAWELL BLVDGLEN ELLYNIL60137Gina M Carrier(630) 942-2434
College Of Lake County19351 W WASHINGTON STGRAYSLAKEIL60030Lynn M Wiechert(847) 543-2880
Heartland Community College1500 W RAAB RDNORMALIL61761Teri Saxton(309) 268-8754
Illinois Central College201 SW ADAMS STPEORIAIL61635April A Tatham(309) 999-4645
Kankakee Community College100 COLLEGE DRKANKAKEEIL60901Darla Sue Jepson(815) 802-8832
Kaskaskia College27210 COLLEGE RDCENTRALIAIL62801Mimi L Polczynski(618) 545-3363
Kishwaukee College21193 MALTA RDMALTAIL60150Carol J Guschl(815) 825-2086
Lincoln Land Community College5250 SHEPHERD RD PO BOX 19256SPRINGFIELDIL62703William J Callaway(217) 786-2408
Malcolm X College1900 W VAN BUREN STCHICAGOIL60612Michael L White(312) 850-7373
Mc Donough District Hospital525 E GRANT STMACOMBIL61455Vincent E Staub(309) 833-4101
Moraine Valley Comm College9000 W COLLEGE PKWYPALOS HILLSIL60465Michael A Gatto(708) 974-5316
Northwestern College7725 S HARLEM AVEBRIDGEVIEWIL60455Sean E Benjamin(708) 237-5000
Olney Central College305 N WEST STOLNEYIL62450Carol R Kocher(618) 395-7777
Osf St Francis Medical Center530 NE GLEN OAK AVEPEORIAIL61637Suzanne M Yezek(309) 655-2782
Parkland College2400 W BRADLEY AVECHAMPAIGNIL61821Kimberly A Mills(217) 351-2436
Rockford Memorial Hospital2400 N ROCKTON AVEROCKFORDIL61103Patricia L Griesman(815) 971-5480
S Suburban College Of Cook Cty15800 STATE STSOUTH HOLLANDIL60473Shari J Mc Govern(708) 596-2000
Sauk Valley Community College173 ILLINOIS ROUTE #2DIXONIL61021Dianna H Brevitt(815) 835-6362
Southwestern Illinois College2500 CARLYLE AVEBELLEVILLEIL62221Rhonda K Kern(618) 222-5303
St Francis Hosp/Presence Hlth355 RIDGE AVENUEEVANSTONIL60202Mary Ellen Newton(847) 316-5810
Swedish - American Hospital1250 E STATE STROCKFORDIL61104Steven L Vogt(815) 489-4966
Trinity College Of Nursing& Hs2122 25TH AVEROCK ISLANDIL61201Diana S Werderman(309) 779-7776
Triton College2000 N 5TH AVE OFFICE G302-IRIVER GROVEIL60171Pamela L Harmon(708) 456-0300
Wilbur Wright College4300 N NARRAGANSETT AVECHICAGOIL60634Dennis M King(773) 481-8880
Harper College1200 W ALGONQUIN RDPALATINEIL60067Leslye S Hess(847) 925-6575

Source: ARRT

Source: BLS